Thursday, 28 April 2011

Professional Practice Hand-in

Contents of my PPF bag

My A4 box of stationery, CVs, formal letters, blog postings, etc.

An envelope I made for my press release

A closer look at the bag I made from my own printed fabric

Well I have just been into college to hand in my Professional Practice module to Claire so officially I could stop blogging now. The fact that I am sharing these pics with you now, instead of cracking on with my FMP, is a sure sign that I am officially addicted to blogging!


  1. lovely as always......and as you can see I'm addicted too!!!!!

  2. This looks FAB....... Sooooo professional! Well done Mavis xx

  3. Haven't seen any new blogs for a while...not like you... maybe busy like all of us but hoping its not due to Tuesday and you are feeling better now.
    Also, thanks again for colecting those timetables for me, you're a star!!!
